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Recovering America's Wildlife Act was reintroduced in the U.S. Senate!
You can help pass this landmark bill by asking our U.S. Senators from Texas—John Cornyn and Ted Cruz—to cosponsor the bill, and to vote YES when it goes to the floor for a vote.
Your contact by website, email, in person, or phone call will make a difference!
Need assistance? Email us at
Send a message through the contact page of our U.S. Senators' websites, or call their office (see contact information below). Ask them to "Please cosponsor and pass the Recovering America's Wildlife Act, S.1149. It's good for Texas wildlife, good for private lands, good for business, and good for Texas!"
Senator John Cornyn
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Senator Ted Cruz
127A Russell Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
If you don't live in Texas, you can look up your U.S. Senators HERE. Ask them to cosponsor and pass the Recovering America's Wildlife Act.
How to contact our U.S. Senators from Texas:
Recovering America's Wildlife Act
Fact Sheets & Resources:
General Fact Sheet*
General Fact Sheet (in Spanish)*
Economic Benefits Flyer
Benefits to Working Lands*
Lobbying as 501(c)(3)
Help raise awareness about wildlife declines.
Social media graphics for download (below) and suggested text to go with graphics HERE.

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