With recent rains and cooler temps, we hope things are greening up in your part of Texas—and you're getting some good quality time outside!
Fall is in full swing. We've recently heard the first Whooping Cranes of the season have been spotted at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. These endangered migrants will spend the winter months on the Texas Gulf Coast feasting on Blue Crab, Wolfberry, and other coastal delights.
Have you spotted any migrating Monarch Butterflies? Native milkweeds get a lot of attention in Monarch conservation, as they're the critical host plant for hungry caterpillars in the Spring. However, in Fall, nectar sources are very important as they fuel the Monarch's journey to hibernating grounds in Mexico. Examples of fall nectar sources include native Frostweed, Asters, Boneset, Liatris, Sunflowers, and others.
When we raise awareness of the benefits of the Recovering America's Wildlife Act, we often focus on declining wildlife such as pollinators, grassland birds, freshwater species, amphibians, and others. But numerous native plant species, and plant communities, are facing alarming declines. And these native plant declines, are linked to many wildlife declines. If passed, RAWA would provide the needed funding for at-risk wildlife AND plants, habitat protection, and restoration to help reverse course for thousands of species.
See below for an invitation from National Wildlife Federation and national plant conservation partners to a Plant Conservationist Virtual Rally next Monday in support of Recovering America's Wildlife Act. Register to learn more about what this bipartisan bill could do for native plants, and how you can take action.
For those new to the Recovering America's Wildlife Act please go to our website to learn more about this crucial bill and the tremendous benefits it would bring to Texas. Then please take action HERE.
Thanks for taking action for Texas wildlife!

"Over half the grassland bird population has been lost since 1970—more than any other type of bird. Some species have declined 75% or more, and a quarter are in extreme peril. And the 38% — 293,000 square miles (760,000 square kilometers) — of historic North American grasslands that remain are threatened by intensive farming and urbanization, and as trees once held at bay by periodic fires spread rapidly, consuming vital rangeland and grassland bird habitat." Learn more Passage of the Recovering America's Wildlife Act would allow expansion of voluntary programs such as Pastures for Upland Birds that support grassland and prairie restoration projects on private lands... |

How to attract bats to your backyard
Bat Conservation International notes "bats are an important part of a functioning ecosystem, and with natural habitats in decline they need our help now more than ever. You can welcome bats in your very own backyard by providing food, water, and shelter...In return, insectivorous bats will eat many of your unwanted yard and garden pests."
Learn how to Garden for Bats from Bat Conservation International. They have regional plant lists HERE to get you started. A few native plants for the "Texas Coastal Bend" include Mexican Olive, Kidneywood, Frostweed, Spotted Beebalm. Now is a great time to get native plants in the ground, well before colder winter temps set in. Check out the Native Plant Society of Texas's "Native Plant Database" HERE. |

San Antonio Urban Wildlife Bridge
From the photos, the land bridge has attracted a bobcat, fawns, coyotes, foxes, and more. The parks department wrote in its post, "We love to see our local animal residents utilizing the crossing bridge!" Read more about, and see photos of the wildlife using the land bring at Phil Hardberger Park in San Antonio.