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Recovering America's Wildlife Act Reintroduced in the U.S. Senate!

We're excited to tell you the Recovering America's Wildlife Act has been reintroduced in the U.S. Senate!

Recovering America's Wildlife Act (S.1149) is a bold, bipartisan bill that will provide crucial investments in conservation that will help struggling wildlife across the country, and the habitats they depend on.

The legislation, introduced by Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), would dedicate nearly $1.4 billion annually to locally-led efforts aimed at preventing extinctions and helping wildlife thrive. Texas would receive over $50 million per year to help our over 1,200 Species of Greatest Conservation Need. Funding would go towards on-the-ground conservation activities such as scaling up habitat restoration on public and private lands.

Declining wildlife across the country need action, now more than ever:

-There are 3 billion fewer birds in our skies than in 1970.

-Nearly 1/2 of our amphibians are threatened or declining.

-More than a 1/4 of our native bumblebees are at-risk.

-One-third of our turtle species are declining.

-More than 40% of our freshwater fish are at-risk.

Texas wildlife, and species across the country are counting on us! Now that the Senate bill has been reintroduced, please reach out to our U.S. Senators, Senator John Cornyn and Senator Ted Cruz, and ask them to support the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. Get more assistance at our website.

Please ask your friends to contact their U.S. Senators too, no matter what state they live in.

Share our posts on Facebook and Twitter to spread the news! Download social graphics from our online action toolkit.

Our #WildlifeCantWait, Together, we can #RecoverWildlife!

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